Theme of 2022:
Focus: Love In Action: Play your part for child protection.
A “Big Love In Action 💙” Scavenger Hunt has been specially designed to entice individuals, families and friends to embark on an adventure, all the while focusing on children, relationships and interactions.
Additionally, collaborative work with schools and local artists will bring to fruition a “Love In Action” Exhibition that showcases their artistic expressions of this year’s theme. The campaign will close with a Facebook Live Event where public education on child protection will be further instilled to engage and inspire the audience (in fun ways!) to only choose love to build a safer
world for children.
In Collaboration With
Thank you for supporting Give A Voice 2022: “Love In Action”
Thank you for supporting
Give A Voice 2022: “Love In Action”

With thanks to

Donors & Sponsors

Heartfelt thanks to all donors and sponsors, including Mr. Darius Tay
and those who wish to remain unnamed.
Heartfelt thanks to all donors and sponsors,
including Mr. Darius Tay and those
who wish to remain unnamed.
Contributing Artists

Merdrey Chew



Damien Thomasz


Merdrey Chew



Damien Thomasz


Theme of 2021:
This campaign highlighted the use of harsh physical punishment and why our choice of discipline matters. Focusing attention on every individual’s choice, the campaign featured an interactive video starring Golden Horse Award Winner Ms Yeo Yann Yann. In the video, we placed the choice of discipline in the audience’s hands. We also hosted a live broadcast of a webinar that discussed real and heartfelt issues surrounding a parent’s love and choice of discipline.
The pros and cons of physical discipline were discussed via a social media campaign that sought to arouse conversations and dialogue about our choice of discipline.
Live Webinar
The 2021 campaign culminated in a live webinar that saw over 450 participants.
The event was graced by Sun Xueling, Minister of State for Social and Family Development and Education,
together with an esteemed panel of professionals in the field who shared how physical punishment can
unintentionally become physical abuse.
Interactive Film “BREAK”
An interactive short film starring Golden Horse award winner Yeo Yann Yann that allows viewers to make decisions for the protagonist to determine what happens next in the film… and to understand the gravity of choices made.

Theme of 2019:
Focus: The Unspoken Abuse – Child
Sexual Abuse
In 2019, Give A Voice focused on Child Sexual Abuse, a topic not often discussed in Singapore.
The year’s campaign spotlighted child sexual abuse in three segments:
1) Educated the public on protective behaviours to empower children to protect themselves.
2) Shared testimonies from survivors of sexual abuse to help the public better understand their experiences.
3) Collaborated with other social service agencies to share with the public that community help is readily available.
Campaign Videos

Theme of 2018:
Give A Voice launches for the very
first time!
Focus: Take Action, Get Involved.
Launched to amplify various issues of child abuse by giving a voice to vulnerable children who have experienced them, the campaign was executed with public engagement that included using games to articulate abuse, live polling on public perception of just what constitutes abuse as well as a pledge movement that saw more than 10,000 signups to stand up against child abuse.
The launch of this campaign also coincided with Big Love Child Protection Specialist Centre’s 5th anniversary celebrations – a milestone reached with single-minded focus on our mission towards child safety for all kids.
Campaign Videos

Theme of 2022:
Focus: Love In Action: Play your part for child protection.
A “Big Love In Action 💙” Scavenger Hunt has been specially designed to entice individuals, families and friends to embark on an adventure, all the while focusing on children, relationships and interactions.
Additionally, collaborative work with schools and local artists will bring to fruition a “Love In Action” Exhibition that showcases their artistic expressions of this year’s theme. The campaign will close with a Facebook Live Event where public education on child protection will be further instilled to engage and inspire the audience (in fun ways!) to only choose love to build a safer
world for children.
In Collaboration With
Thank you for supporting Give A Voice 2022: “Love In Action”
Thank you for supporting
Give A Voice 2022: “Love In Action”

With thanks to

Donors & Sponsors

Heartfelt thanks to all donors and sponsors, including Mr. Darius Tay
and those who wish to remain unnamed.
Heartfelt thanks to all donors and sponsors,
including Mr. Darius Tay and those
who wish to remain unnamed.
Contributing Artists

Merdrey Chew



Damien Thomasz


Merdrey Chew



Damien Thomasz


Theme of 2021:
This campaign highlighted the use of harsh physical punishment and why our choice of discipline matters. Focusing attention on every individual’s choice, the campaign featured an interactive video starring Golden Horse Award Winner Ms Yeo Yann Yann. In the video, we placed the choice of discipline in the audience’s hands. We also hosted a live broadcast of a webinar that discussed real and heartfelt issues surrounding a parent’s love and choice of discipline.
The pros and cons of physical discipline were discussed via a social media campaign that sought to arouse conversations and dialogue about our choice of discipline.
Live Webinar
The 2021 campaign culminated in a live webinar that saw over 450 participants.
The event was graced by Sun Xueling, Minister of State for Social and Family Development and Education,
together with an esteemed panel of professionals in the field who shared how physical punishment can
unintentionally become physical abuse.
Interactive Film “BREAK”
An interactive short film starring Golden Horse award winner Yeo Yann Yann that allows viewers to make decisions for the protagonist to determine what happens next in the film… and to understand the gravity of choices made.

Theme of 2019:
Focus: The Unspoken Abuse – Child
Sexual Abuse
In 2019, Give A Voice focused on Child Sexual Abuse, a topic not often discussed in Singapore.
The year’s campaign spotlighted child sexual abuse in three segments:
1) Educated the public on protective behaviours to empower children to protect themselves.
2) Shared testimonies from survivors of sexual abuse to help the public better understand their experiences.
3) Collaborated with other social service agencies to share with the public that community help is readily available.
Campaign Videos

Theme of 2018:
Give A Voice launches for the very
first time!
Focus: Take Action, Get Involved.
Launched to amplify various issues of child abuse by giving a voice to vulnerable children who have experienced them, the campaign was executed with public engagement that included using games to articulate abuse, live polling on public perception of just what constitutes abuse as well as a pledge movement that saw more than 10,000 signups to stand up against child abuse.
The launch of this campaign also coincided with Big Love Child Protection Specialist Centre’s 5th anniversary celebrations – a milestone reached with single-minded focus on our mission towards child safety for all kids.