Happy Children's Day
It’s really a work in progress

Happy Children’s Day, a Work in Progress
As we look at the numbers from our monthly report, it’s all too clear that it isn’t going to be a Happy Children’s Day for all. In fact, this outcome is the reason for our existence at all, especially poignant to us now as we’ll be turning 10 in a few months’ time, which really means we’ve been doing this work for 10 years to see that the numbers requiring child protection is still on the rise.
One way of looking at this data and understanding these numbers is to acknowledge that this increase in numbers is the result of an increasing number of calls through the National Anti-Violence and Sexual Harassment Helpline. It is true that as a nation, we have increased our understanding and awareness of child protection issues.
Small wins. One step forward. It has to begin anew, everyday.
On Small Wins, and Little Successes
Raising such awareness on the national front formally takes the form of campaigns and advocacy work, but also the contributions of the community in big and small ways. For us, on top of case management and case closures, outreach efforts and public education, this also includes the contributions of private donors and corporate organisations who have sought to champion the cause of child protection, the latest of which is AXIS Capital spending a good Saturday out during the September school holidays with a specially facilitated art session designed for families: Creating works of art together with positive interactions and affirmations built in to the entire session.
Truth is, these events are beyond just activities and events but about providing opportunities for us to engage with our clients and for our clients to make a day of spending it with their children; most of all, it’s simply about creating time and space for healing and reconciliation to take place.
For vulnerable families, takeaways like tangible pieces of artwork may not change their lives but are potentially the reminders that being present with one another for one afternoon could result in something beautiful.

Thank you for standing up to #ChampionChildProtection as well as to #FightAgainstChildAbuse and to show our clients how children can be loved in big ways. We hope you’ve experienced our love to you, too.
Meanwhile, we continue to grapple with the work that lies ahead for us. At Big Love, we are very much aware that our work is only ever done when there’s none for us to do. Until then, we ask that you continue to join us in putting us out of work. We can all get behind this.

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